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  • Writer's pictureFat Boi Cooking

Brown Sugar Carrots

Clicking the Photo will open my YouTube video for this Recipe.

Brown Sugar Carrots


2 lbs carrots

1 tsp fresh black pepper

2 tsp cinnamon

½ cup brown sugar

1 stick of butter


Preheat over to 350 degrees

Place carrots into large baking dish

In separate bowl

Cut up your butter

Melt your butter till no longer solid

In separate bowl

Mix brown sugar and cinnamon

Sprinkle mixture over carrots

Mix to coat

Sprinkle pepper over carrots

Mix to coat

Pour butter over carrots

Mix to coat

Place dish in over

Roast for 25-30 minutes or till tender

**if using baby carrots double the roasting time

Half way through cooking

Mix carrots up to ensure even roasting

Serve as side with any meat (poultry, beef, or pork)


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