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  • Writer's pictureFat Boi Cooking

Mexican Pizza

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Mexican Pizza


2 Large Tortilla

1 Lbs. Beef

1 Pkg Favorite Taco Seasoning

1 Pkg Cheese (I Use Mexican Blend)

1 Pkg Cheddar Cheese

1 Can Rotel - drained

¼ cup Bell Peppers Diced

¼ cup Onion Diced

1 Jalapeno (Seeded and Diced)

1 Can Black Olives

1 Container of Sour Cream


In large bowl add Ground Beef and Taco Seasoning and mix till combined

In a large Case Iron Skillet or Oven Safe Skillet

Add 1 Large Tortilla

Add ground beef and press out to the edge

Add 1 package of cheese – Mexican blend

Cover with large Tortilla

Add drained can of Rotel and spread evenly over Tortilla

Add Cheddar cheese and cover evenly

Sprinkle Bell Pepper, Onions, Black Olives and Jalapeno evenly over cheese

Place in Preheated oven at 400 for 40 minutes

Remove from Oven and let stand for 10 minutes

Slice and add sour cream


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